Band at Fairmont
Meet Jane Magid
Ms. Magid is Fairmont's Band Director. She is shared by multiple schools in the West Contra Costa Unified School District (WCCUSD).
Is Your Child Interested in Band?
Band is offered to Grades 4-6.
The students meet during class time/school time.
Band practice is twice a week for a half hour for each level (beginning and intermediate).
Band for the 2024-5-24 School Year
Band class times will be 9:30 & 10 AM (or close to that, in case we have to adjust a little).
Ms. Magid works with our teacher. She will schedule it so that each student gets band class twice a week.
Band is an optional pull-out class for interested students whose family and classroom teacher agree they can miss the class time and still keep up with their schoolwork.
Classes will be competency-based and mixed grades.
Beginners are welcome in all the upper grades.
Band will rehearse on stage in the Multi Purpose Room (MPR) with band PPE masks worn and as much ventilation as we can create.
Band is available to special-ed students in grades 4, 5, & 6.
The school and school district do have a limited number of instruments available to loan to students for the school year.
Contact us at
2024-25 School Year Band Schedule
Monday, 9:30-10 AM: Beginning flute
Monday, 10-10:30 AM: Beginning percussion
Tuesday, 9:30-10 AM: Fairmont Beginning clarinet (& saxophone, by permission)
Tuesday, 10-10:30 AM: Intermediate mixed instruments
Wednesday, 9:30-10 AM: Beginning flute
Wednesday, 10-10:30 AM: Beginning trumpet (and trombone, by permission)
Thursday, 9:30-10 AM: Beginning clarinet (& saxophone, by permission)
Thursday, 10-10:30 AM: Beginning Percussion
Friday, 9:30-10 AM: Beginning trumpet (and trombone, by permission)
Friday, 10-10:30 AM: Intermediate, mixed instruments
Ms. Magid leading Fairmont's band at the El Cerrito High Winter Concert in 2021. Four elementary schools, along with Korematsu Middle School, and El Cerrito High School Band performed.