Fairmont Library
Meet Marina Flores!
Ms. Flores is Fairmont's new librarian. She is shared by schools across our school district and is available on Fairmont's campus on Mondays and Tuesdays to ensure our library is accessible to our students.
Interested in Volunteering at Fairmont's Library?
You must be a WCCUSD badged volunteer.
Read below for information about volunteering.
Email your teacher if you're interested in helping during your child's class visit.
Interested in volunteering at the library? Email the PTA@fairmontschool.org to let us know and help coordinate.
Volunteering at Fairmont's Library
There are three (3) ways to volunteer at our library:
We're looking for badged volunteers for help in the morning on Monday and Tuesdays specifically to shelve books. Ideally: 830-930 to shelve and check in what has been returned by students before others come to check books out.
Check in with your teacher if you would like to join your child's class to help them look for books to read. It always helps to have someone check in with kids while at the library and ask questions about their interests and guide them to ideas for books to check out.
Book collection: Go around to the classrooms and collect books (between 8:30-9 AM) before the back to back visits to the library can start.
Each student is only allowed one checked-out book at a time.
Students are allowed to bring their books home to read.
In order to check out a different book, the previous book needs to be turned in first.
Contact us at PTA@fairmontschool.org
2024-25 School Year Library Schedule by Teacher
Information coming soon
2024-25 School Year Library Schedule by Day
Information coming soon
Inside Fairmont Elementary's library during a visit with the Kindergarten class by the East Bay Vivarium.