Meals at Fairmont

School meals are available at no cost to all students. 

The Fairmont school community has made a commitment to follow nut-free guidelines for the safety and health of all our students. We need each student, teacher and parent to help us make our school a safer place for kids who have food allergies.

Check out the menu for Fairmont here or signup to have the monthly menu emailed to you.

You can find more information about WCCUSD Food Services on the district website.

COVID-19 Safety Note: Fairmont is currently unable to provide supervision for breakfast prior to the start of the school day. Breakfast will be offered to all students who would like to eat during their first recess break. Students will eat breakfast and lunch outside as weather and air quality permit.

Help us reduce lunch waste!

We are so grateful that our Fairmont students have access to a free and healthy lunch Monday through Friday! Unfortunately, without some guidance, much of that food is wasted. With the help of our Fairmont staff, families, and community, we hope to reduce that waste.

You can help by coaching your children how to separate their trash at lunch. Staff and volunteers at lunch will be there to help direct kids to separate their trash into the following bins:

Please talk with children about how to help reduce food waste and remind them to clean up after themselves at mealtimes so that we can keep Fairmont clean!