About Fairmont
Location & Contact Information
Fairmont Elementary School
724 Kearney St., El Cerrito, CA 94530
Main office phone: 510-231-1448
Map of school
Fairmont families can request a map of the school campus by contacting the main office.
Established in 1905 or even earlier by some accounts, Fairmont is the oldest school in El Cerrito. The school hosts students from TK to 6th grade.
Fun facts about Fairmont:
Fairmont had the first PTA in the Richmond School District
Fairmont pioneered the practice of holding "Parent Teacher Conferences"
Fairmont was where the first meeting of the El Cerrito City Council was held
Fairmont strives to foster a culture of inclusion, equity, and compassion for our diverse students and families. We want all kids to feel safe and supported. Please see the programs, clubs, and committees below that help us do this.
The Fairmont edible garden was previously an unused, ivy-covered plot located outside the kindergarten classrooms. Thanks to the vision and hard work of parent volunteers and teachers, the garden is now transformed into an outdoor classroom that allows for hands on science exploration and education to take place in school.
Click here to learn more about the garden from our garden teacher, Ms. Claire.
AAPAC is a core group of parents, families, teachers, administrators, community members and organizations, who are committed to the academic success and awareness of our African American Student body. They assist in support, literacy, resource development, and overall inclusion of the school community in the enrichment, engagement and social development of African American children in the community.
English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)
A district-level English Learner Advisory Committee comprised of parents, staff, and community members designated to advise district officials on English learner programs and services.
Next ELAC meeting:
Click the Zoom link below to join: https://wccusd.zoom.us/j/98442329857?pwd=RjA2aGprUUNxajhLMUVrV09HaGVJQT09
The School Site Council (SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, community members and the principal. Its job is to oversee and approve our improvement program and budgets, as mandated by Title 1 law. The members are elected for two-year terms and every member has an equal vote.
All families are welcome to attend any SSC meeting to provide input on how to improve the school and give feedback on school programs.