School Site Council

School Site Council

The School Site Council (SSC) is a group of teachers, parents, community members and the principal. Its job is to oversee and approve our improvement program and budgets, as mandated by Title 1 law.  The members are elected for two-year terms and every member has an equal vote.

Who is on the SSC?

What does the SSC do?

How does the SSC work?

The SSC meets monthly and is open for the public to attend. Transparency is KEY.

When does the SSC meet?

How is this funding used?

The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) shows how school districts will use targeted state funding to improve outcomes for all students, especially low income, English Learners, and foster youth.

Schools receive Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) budgets through LCAP, which are spent by the SSCs according to their SPSA.

For more information about the SSC please contact Ms. Best: